Resistance in Postcolonial Literature with Reference to Sahar Khalifeh’s Wild Thorns



Resistance literature, Palestine Literature, Wild Thorns, Sahar Khalifeh


This study presents a theoretical and practical framework of resistance as a concept of postcolonial criticism. It describes different types of resistance as presented in Sahar Khalifeh’s novel Wild Thorns. A historical approach is adapted to trace ‘resistance Literature’ throughout the postcolonial criticism. The main aim here is to highlight the theme of resistance against the colonial structure from the point of view of a Palestinian novelist. The application of the analytic descriptive approach intends to analyze the theme of resistance at this colonial period from different points of view. The theme of resistance is tackled from a sociological and cultural point of view. The ideology of both the colonized and the colonizer is revealed throughout this critical analysis.


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How to Cite

Mahmoud, S. (2019). Resistance in Postcolonial Literature with Reference to Sahar Khalifeh’s Wild Thorns. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 1(2), 74–87.