The Grotesque in Frankenstein in Baghdad: Between Humanity and Monstrosity



Dystopia, Frankenstein, Grotesque, Justice, Monster, Other, Violence.


This paper analyzes Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad (2018) with a special emphasis on the grotesque bodily images of the monster, the novel’s exploration of justice, and the question of violence. I draw on the theoretical framework of the Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975), the ethics philosopher Emmanuel Levinas (1906–1995), and the German-American philosopher and political thinker Hannah Arendt (1906–1975). Saadawi’s unnamed monster, “The Whatsitsname,” comes into being via an accidental if honorably intentioned act, when the main character, Hadi, compiles remnant corpses that he finds in the streets of Bagdad into one body with the aim of conducting “a proper burial” in order to dignify the dead. Interestingly, while the monster is the enemy in the eyes of the Iraqi government, he is a savior for the ordinary people— their only hope of putting an end to the violence and achieving justice. In this paper, I argue that Saadawi draws on the metaphor of Frankenstein’s monster not only to capture the dystopian mood in post-2003 Baghdad, but also to question the tragic realities, and the consequence of war, as well as the overall ramification of colonialism. In addition, Saadawi’s embodiment of the metaphor of Frankenstein’s monster actualizes a new literary role for Frankenstein in literature—the representation of the Other:  In this instance, the entire Iraqi community is literary represented in Frankenstein’s body. Of equal importance, is the fragmented nature of his body, which is literally compiled of different body parts from different people, perhaps symbolizing the urgent need for unity in Iraq.


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Author Biography

Rawad Alhashmi, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Rawad Alhashmi is a Ph.D. candidate and an instructor of rhetoric at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is also a translator. His research interests include modern translation, world literature, postcolonial theories, and speculative fiction.



How to Cite

Alhashmi, R. (2020). The Grotesque in Frankenstein in Baghdad: Between Humanity and Monstrosity. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 2(1), 90–106.